This last weekend I drove to Mckinney TX both to celebrate the accomplishment and fresh dream of my best friend of nearly 30 years, as well as to be a part of an international gathering of women celebrating their faith in what we know as the IF:gathering. As I drove 3 hours home, tired as i was, I had plenty of time to process and unpack it all. At any rate, last weekend’s talks sparked several conversations in my heart: When did art leave the church? And what is the point of church at all?
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2019: The Year of Freedom
A growing number of you have asked to hear more about my work and process. I have been listening! But you should know — sometimes it takes every ounce of spare energy just to create after ubering children and all the other responsibilities I have as a wife and mother of 3; mustering words to accompany my work for a post on the various social media platforms sometimes makes my room turn sideways. And sometimes I create for the very purpose of not having words. With my dream being to have my works displayed in galleries, on book covers , and beyond from coast to coast, it will be vitally important for me to better articulate my heart, my process, and my value for those whom it reaches.
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