Artist Statement
In my exploration of digital photography, I found myself uncomfortably limited by the instantly gratifying nature of the medium. Searching to expand my creative vision, those limitations were compounded by the over-saturation of the digital world. As I sought ways to manipulate and expand the boundaries, I began utilizing surrealist elements inspired by dreams both waking and sleeping; by tapping into the trappings of my heart as a jumping off point, I began vulnerably exploring that wilderness in its rawest form, transforming my virtual canvas into representational illustrations from my imagination. Each narrative pulls directly from a dream, memory, question, or something I’ve wrestled with past or present.
Stretching beyond the historical use of the camera, I aim to produce art that ignites wonder while exploring the hard questions of life and offering a safe space to acknowledge the condition of the heart collectively. This exploration has become the platform through which I move through areas of brokenness, playfully exploring the wilderness of the heart space, and fostering deep connection with my audience through conversation.
Lauren Midgley is a Fine Art Photographer specializing in Surrealist Conceptual Self-Portraiture. Currently residing in Oklahoma, this Texas native studied Studio Arts at Texas Tech University before devoting herself to raising a family full time in 2006. Introduced to a DSLR in 2015, she independently studied and mastered multiple photographic disciplines including the 19th century Wet Plate Collodion process. Her award-winning work has been shown in Galleries in Austin, New York City, Denver, Oklahoma and more. In a culture saturated with digital imagery, she employs advanced digital manipulation techniques to explore the intersections of brokenness and spirituality. Her innovative approach to digital photography, provides a unique platform to foster re-connection of the heart space through collective emotive themes and evocative execution.
2000 - 2001 Completed Wylie Fire Department Internship Program in high standing
2001 - 2004 Achieved and maintained certification as an Emergency Medical Technician in Basic Life Support
2001 - 2004 Pursued a Bachelors of Fine Arts from Texas Tech University with an emphasis on oil painting and graphic design
2010 - 2013 Independently studied interior design, photography, and graphic design
2015 - Present Independently studied and mastered advanced and antiquarian photographic processes
2015 - Present Independently studied marketing, ecommerce strategies, and web design
2021 - Present Achieved a National Registry Emergency Medical Technician Certification
Professional Experience
Developed a Retail Product Portfolio for Melissa Benge Collection Dallas, TX 2017
Developed a Retail Product Portfolio for La Vignette Dallas, TX 2017
Designed and maintained four Ecommerce websites
Established and maintained a 5 star customer support rating across three website platforms
Facilitated a 1000% increase in social media audience with limited budget
Provided professional photographic services for Individual Clients and Destination Weddings
Presented a virtual workshop for The Breath and The Clay Creative Conference 2020
Presented in-person at a live stream conference for Bedford Camera’s Photocon Oklahoma City, OK 2020
Web Design Portfolio 2016 2016 2019
Photography Awards
Visitor’s Award , A. Smith Gallery “Chair” Juried Exhibition 2018
Bedford Camera OKC, Bedford’s Quarterly Photography Competition 2019
The Paseo Arts Association Photofest Juried Exhibition “Best in Show” 2020
BCON Photo Contest “Grand Prize” 2020
Book Cover - “An Elegant Woman” by Martha McPhee, US 2020
Cover Artist - “Revelations of the Artist”, Art Serve International, US 2020
Cover Artist - “Cube of Light”, Onyx Lane Production, US 2021
A. Smith Gallery “Chair” Juried Exhibition, Texas, FEBRUARY 2018
Solo Exhibitor at The Social Club, Oklahoma, MARCH 2018
Solo Exhibitor at L&B Yarn Co, Oklahoma, JULY 2018
IAO Gallery juried “Red Dot” Group Exhibition, Oklahoma, NOVEMBER 2018
Paseo Arts Association Juried Member’s Show, Oklahoma, FEBRUARY 2019
Solo Exhibitor Brewer’s Union, Oklahoma, FEBRUARY 2019
Solo Exhibitor Stash, Oklahoma, APRIL 2019
Co-Exhibitor at IAO Gallery “Forward” Show, Oklahoma, APRIL 2019
See|Me + ChaShaMa - Virtual Exhibition, New York, JUNE 2019
PhotoPlace Altered Realities Juried Exhibition, APRIL 2019
PhotoPlace Altered Realities Show APRIL 2019 and permanent online display
The Breath &The Clay Visual Artist Retreat Exhibition JUNE 2019
Ember Quarterly Live Exhibition JULY 2019
The Gallery at Fellowship Denver Juried Exhibition OCTOBER 2019
Ember Quarterly Live Exhibition OCTOBER 2019
Solo Exhibition at The Depot Norman, OK January through FEBRUARY 2020
Stillpoint Gallery Juried Exhibition Alpharetta, GA FEBRUARY 2020
The Breath & The Clay Gallery Juried Exhibition Winston-Salem, NC JUNE 2020
PhotoPlace Gallery Dreamscapes & Visions Juried Exhibition, Middlebury, VT JUNE 2020
DNA Galleries Oklahoma City JULY 2020
Paseo Arts Association Photofest SEPTEMBER 2020
The Depot Virtual Exhibition SEPTEMBER 2020
The Depot Exhibition OCTOBER 2020 - PRESENT 2021
The Breath & The Clay Exhibition MARCH 2021
Paseo Arts Association Photofest SEPTEMBER 2021
The Depot Norman Small Works Show NOVEMBER 2021
Lively Beerworks Solo Exhibition JANUARY 2022
Artist Talk, The Depot, Norman OK JANUARY 2020
Live Q&A, The Depot, Norman, OK FEBRUARY 2020
The Breath and The Clay Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC JUNE 2020
Photocon 2020 Master Class, Oklahoma City, OK OCTOBER 2020
Panel Discussion, The Breath and The Clay Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC MARCH 2021
The Depot Norman Virtual Artist Talk
Art and Faith Conversations Podcast
Artist Collectives
IAO Gallery Member
Paseo Arts Association
Ember Collective
Makers & Mystics Artist Collective