Have you ever felt like your heart was divided? Like there existed inside you two parts of the same heart diametrically opposed to one another? It’s problematic. Let me tell you a story, Becky. It’s one you’ve heard before, but I’ve discovered a surprise ending. This year has been tough. Living through a pandemic is tough. Homeschooling kids is tough! Keeping a fine art career afloat is exeedingly tough! Turns out people don’t really visit art galleries, pay for workshops, or purhcase a lot of prints during a pandemic. But while you might wonder if this is me giving up, it’s not.
Read MoreDear Becky, A Basket of Breadcrumbs and a Dirk...
It’s been a crazy couple of months around here. As it turns out, Becky, it’s incredibly hard to work from home while the kids are not in school. I must admit that when the “shelter in place” order came, I didn’t think much would change for us, because The Weatherman has been working from home for years now. It was more like summer just came early. However, all these prior plans and commitments I’d intended to wrap up before the kids came home. I must confess, Becky, that I’ve been dealing with a lot of anger. But then I had another dream, and it came in two parts….
Read MoreDear Becky, Bring Back the Music...
Dear Becky,
Something has happened and we never saw it coming. Don’t worry, we are all currently safe, but… we’re a little stir crazy.
Read MoreDear Becky, Waiting is Hard...
Last night I had another vivid dream. A round object reminiscent of an over-stretched t shirt had fallen on my floor. As I bent over to pick it up, I realized I could see the refracted and rippling appearance of another world or dimension through it as if peering at a city at the bottom of a dark pool of water. Curious. Knowing I could not yet dive in--I would not go without the ones I love--I wondered if I would lose this opportunity if I chose to wait. Would the magic dissipate if I picked up the shirt? Could I save it for another, more appropriate time?
Read MoreDear Becky, Can Dry Bones Live?
I was picking up a print in OKC and made an interesting observation while at a stop light. As I sat there my eyes wandered to a 50-something woman hobbling back and forth, with a cane, carrying a sign that said “Family in need, anything helps”. I found myself asking if there could be a better way. Granted this is not a profound question—and I am in no way profound for asking. But, if I were to spring into action, what would that look like? What could I possibly have to offer this woman, or any other person for that matter, that might help for more than just a day?
Read MoreDear Becky, Swim...
Dear Becky,
Last night I had a dream that I was walking down an old dock toward a beautiful mountain lake. There was a vehicle at the far end of the dock and the weight of it was pushing the dock down into the water. Knowing I couldn’t escape what was coming next, I surrendered to the sinking without fear of the deep.
Read MoreDear Becky, Remember the Unicorns...
Dear Becky, I was thinking this morning how enamored with unicorns you use to be. Do you remember those purple unicorn sheets you had as a kid? I remember how you used to stare at those unicorns and let your mind wander to magical places as you drifted off to sleep. I wonder now what adventures you must have been on. When did you stop looking for unicorns, Becky?
Read MoreDear Becky, Linger Longer...
I know getting the kids out the door can feel like a war zone with the Greatest Showman soundtrack in the background, but you’re doing great! Anyhow, as I was working this week, I gave myself permission to rework a piece I’d already completed. Here’s the really funny part: there wasn’t a single thing I didn’t like about that previous image! However, I believe this sort of repetition is vital to the training of the mind as well as the skill and cultivation of greater creativity. For in each session, you train yourself to trust and stretch your creative instincts, and by doing so you stamp new pathways to the secret place. This my thin space, Becky...
Read MoreDear Becky, Art is Currency...
Dear Becky, As an artist in the modern world, it can be extremely difficult to source a regular paycheck because art is a luxury that many cannot afford. Finding liquidity for art in the marketplace has been a challenge since the decline in patronage, but what if you could circumvent that altogether?
Read MoreDear Becky, Ask Hard Questions...
Dear Becky, When I saw you, it looked like you where having a rough go this morning. Parenthood can make a girl feel like a modern day Nehemiah, amirite?! At any rate, you looked a little ragged and I had a few things I was too scared to say to you in the moment. I thought maybe if I wrote them out, perhaps I’d have more courage to send it. So here goes…
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