Have you ever set out to create something only to end up stuck somewhere along the way? Maybe it’s an element that isn’t working, or perhaps the concept is just not translating the way you hoped. Or how about when you start to question whether your idea was worth its salt to begin with? What then? Though it can be an extremely frustrating circumstance, what if I told you these roadblocks are as important as the process itself? It’s true! And I’m going to tell you why.
Read MoreOvercoming Disappointments
After 10 years of playing hopscotch across the US, The Weatherman and I made a choice to settle in Oklahoma. There were a lot of reasons for this but mostly because we spent 11 years praying for an impossible doorway to open, never sure that it could, until it did. We took a beating to get here, leaving so many great friends, hopeful that our future here would be promising. Since then the journey has hardly been what we expected; riddled with disappointments both great and small.
Read MoreFear is a Liar: Unlocking the Box Fear Put Me In
Six years ago, I took a running leap off a cliff with my whole life screaming across the feeble promise of a wire. Gliding through that liminal space, my fear gave way to a child-like curiosity and wonder that has cascaded through so many facets of my life to the present day. How could one simple choice to let go of fear become such a pivotal moment?
Read MoreThe Bitter Guide to Juried Exhibitions: How to Not Piss Away Your Money
I’m by no means an expert, but I don’t need to be an expert to call out a racket when I see it. Juried Exhibitions definitely seem to fall into the category as one of the fastest ways I’ve pissed away my money as an artist. If there’s one thing I’m passionate about, it’s about helping people and artists avoid mistakes I’ve made along the way--learning as I go. Now more than ever, I think we need to put our minds together collectively and form an alliance of market disrupters to take antiquated ideas, such as juried exhibitions, and turn them on end. Amirite? Let me explain...
Read MoreExploring the Abyss: How to overcome creative obstacles
If you read my last blog post, you know that recently I needed to step back for my own sanity, but after doing so, I found that busyness just filled up the gaps. It’s like I stepped off one hamster wheel to try out another. I had to get disciplined about resting, which are words I never thought I would utter. When yesterday came, I finally had the energy to create the first in a new body of work I’m exploring, only to be confronted by what seemed like endless obstacles. How do you overcome that when you’re feet are already feel heavy? I don’t have a magical cure for this, but I can tell you how I got through it.
Read MoreExhibition Hangover : What no one is telling you
It’s not something anyone really talks about, but it plagues creators of all kinds. It happens in the aftermath of a show and it often strikes hardest just after the biggest of our career milestones. I call it the “Exhibition Hangover”. Like other hangovers it has the nasty backhanded sting fresh off the heels of a career high, but unlike others this one isn’t alcohol induced. Allow me to elaborate...
A Meeting of Minds
Have you ever come face to face with part of your nature that you aren’t friends with? When that happens how do you respond? It’s uncomfortable coming to grips with your ugly. One of my uglies is that I’m a big scaredy-cat, though I didn’t acknowledge it for a really long time. But if there is something I’ve learned recently it’s that it’s better to face my inner demons head on instead of the alternative. So let’s come to a meeting of minds shall we?
Read MorePSA: Look for the Helpers
We’ve all heard the term “starving artist”. I remember my first week as an art major at Texas Tech, I was required to take some new “intro to arts” course where they discussed in a brief summation of why no artist should have to starve. Whether you consider yourself an artist or creative, making a living at a creative entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. The world of a creative can often be a rollercoaster of ups and downs, and lest you be nestled snugly in one of the lows, here is your PSA to look for the helpers.
Read More“I always get where I am going, by walking away from where I’ve been”
3 Steps for Harnessing Inspiration in Your Creative Process
When I was growing up my childhood bestie (and best friend of nearly 30 years) had an infatuation with Winnie the Pooh that I could never fully understand. In middle school, she carried a Pooh-themed diaper bag as a purse, because that’s what you do when you’re just dipping your toes into your own individuality--and she wore it proudly. I suppose my gray hairs have lent me the ability to hear the profound intertwined with the simple, because some of the quotes from the movie “Christopher Robin” brought my whole house of cards tumbling down... and those are the moments when I know a new image is being birthed. This is how I cultivate my creative process. These are my 3 steps to harnessing inspiration in your creative process and photography.
Read MoreClouded Perspective: How shifting your perspective can shift your outcome
In photography perspective is everything. As photographers and creatives we make a living from selling our perspective. We see what others don’t, we make it reality, and people pay us for that. But what do you do when clouded thinking alters your perspective and renders you stuck? What do you do when your perspective becomes the very thing that holds you prisoner to your circumstance? You have to shift.
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